Domain Authority

What is domain authority in SEO?

Domain Authority is the commercial SEO tools answer to Google PageRank. Since Google no longer publishes the PageRank scores of webpages, SEO analysts needed another way to evaluate how their website is performing and places to try and get backlinks from.

All SEO tools like SEMRush, Ahrefs, MajesticSEO, and Moz have their own version of Domain Authority. It was originally developed by Moz as a substitute for PageRank and they tried to emulate the way PageRank was calculated based on the number of backlinks a website or web page had.

All SEO tools that try and score a webpage use a variation of Domain Authority, but they all take into account the number of backlinks a page has.

It’s important to note that a higher Domain Authority does not translate into a higher ranking in the search engines. Domain Authority is not a factor considered by Google as they have their own PageRank metrics.

There is no impact on the domain extension to your Domain Authority.

Learn more about Domain Authority






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