
What is PageRank in SEO?

PageRank is Google’s internal scoring system to determine how valuable a web page is. It’s based on the number of backlinks the page has from other domains and the PageRank of those pages.

Years ago webmasters (that’s what we used to call people who managed the websites!) used to obsess over Google PageRank. We would all have the Google Toolbar installed and every three months we’d wait with baited breath to see the new updated PageRank scores. If your link building efforts had paid off then you were rewarded with a higher PageRank score.

Getting a PageRank of 3 or 4 was quite normal, but it got harder and harder to boost that ranking.

Google no longer published the public PageRank of websites and web pages so instead SEO analysts look at industry-created metrics like Domain Authority to evaluate the strength of a website.

Learn more about Google PageRank






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